Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Timeshare Owners Dedicated to Travel

The report from the American Resort Development Association (ARDA) suggests that the commitment to vacations that ownership provides creates consistent travelers. Over three quarters (80 percent) of timeshare real estate owners indicate that their vacations are much more consistent since owning a timeshare than before.

The survey asked respondents about how they plan to travel this year. Good news for the battered airline industry is that 78 percent of respondents indicate that they will continue to travel by air, while only 6 percent state that they will not. Nearly half (41 percent) state that they will fly domestically, but not internationally, while one in four (23 percent) state that nothing has changed.

A quarter (24 percent) state that they are more likely to travel by car to a destination they would have flown to in the past, while 39 percent are no more likely to do so.

Timeshare Real Estate Vacationers Benefit Travel Industry

One thing that’s clear about timeshare real estate owners is that they put their investment to good use—creating vacation memories. The survey found that close to 95 of owners used their timeshare weeks in the past year for vacationing. (The data shows that 86.8 percent of owners used them at the home resort or for exchange travel, while six percent offered them, for free or for rent, to friends and family.)

With close to 95 percent of timeshares being used for vacations, that makes for a lot of happy travelers. Just as happy, however, is the positive impact that timeshare vacationers have on neighboring businesses. Consistent travelers mean a steady flow of vacation dollars—a boost for local economies impacted by the recent travel downturn.

Vacationing with friends and family can be one of the best ways to recharge and feel positive about the future. Timeshare owners have this perspective in the bag (packed, of course), with the satisfaction of looking forward every year to a resort vacation.

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