Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Time Share In Mexico

Timeshare as a means of use of real property is recognized in Mexico. The two federal laws that directly cover this topic are the Federal Consumer Protection Law and the Official Mexican Norm number NOM-029-SCFI-1998 (Commercial Practices - Informational Requirements for the Commercialization of the Time Share Service). The State of Sonora (a northern state of Mexico) has also created a state level legislation regarding time share and its' sale with that state (there are some other states in Mexico that have their own state law regarding timeshare).

Please remember, that when purchasing timeshare in Mexico, the Federal Consumer Protection Law provides the buyer a 5 day right of recission (right to cancel and get his money back). Even if the selling agent gets you to sign a waiver to the 5 days, you still have the five days (they are not waivable)

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